03 January 2013

T-Party :)

It's my first day of class with the Kinder Seniors this 2013. I was planning to prepare surprises for them but decided to let them do some reflection instead. We had a tea, I mean, T-Party. I got this idea from one of the animal stories from the School of Tomorrow curriculum. It's a story about keeping an attitude of gratitude. The animals in the story had a T-Party. Thanksgiving Party. They simply shared their thanksgiving items over tea. I just regret that we weren't able to have tea a while ago. Milk tea sana. I'm sure they'd enjoy the activity more.

I really learn a lot from kids. They never fail to make me realize important things. What made our activity interesting was how quickly each child was able to think of his/her thanksgiving item. I asked them to complete the statement "Thank You God for..." I was expecting common answers from young children like "Thank You God for toys, gifts, etc." I was surprised when I heard their answers. I wrote each answer on the board. My pupils are thanking God for providing their needs more than thanking Him for giving their wants. I was rebuked. I often forget to express my gratitude towards God for providing my needs, probably because I got used to His nature of being gracious that He provides all of our needs. Indeed, I should learn to give thanks for every thing, at all times.

It's true that teachers learn as much as students learn inside the classroom. :) Thank You, Lord. :)

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