01 July 2012

Hello Kinder Seniors! :)

Yes, I said hello to Kinder Seniors two weeks ago. And saying hello to Kinder Seniors meant saying goodbye to Toddlers. :( This change is really challenging. Last year, I was teaching the youngest children in the preschool department. Now, I am teaching the oldest ones. How do I adjust? Thank God, He is teaching me how to.

Last year, I focused on helping children socialize with their peers. It was fulfilling to see the toddlers learn how to share, take turns, say "please" and "May I borrow?", line up, go to the comfort room, and things like these. Now, without forgetting the children's socio-emotional development, I should focus on helping them learn important academic skills such as reading and writing, etc. It feels fulfilling seeing the Kinder Seniors figure out how to write words by sounding the letters, blending them, and finally forming the words. The things I do now may be different from what I used to do last year, but one thing never changed. I am still teaching and learning from children. And that's what matters most to me. 

With Teacher Daisy and the Kinder Seniors (Kindness), having fun with letters! :)

Life won't be meaningful without challenges. Once you feel that you are in your comfort zone, you need to get out of it or else you won't grow. Most of the time, most of us are just too stubborn to leave. Thank God because He intervenes by providing a way for us to move out. I thank God that's what He does in my life.

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